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Research studies into emotions and the things we say

Brene Bowne is an American professor, qualitative researcher, speaker and author of many books and her work includes ‘Daring Greatly’.  She has spent the last two decades researching vulnerability, courage and empathy. One of Brene’s qualitative studies, with over 1,300 participants, suggests that being vulnerable in both the workplace and in relationships can be an advantage.  A series of studies was also carried out by Erica Boothy and Vanessa Bohns, first published in August 2020,…
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Up to 1.8 million children in the UK face lower quality school meals

According to LACA, the school caterers’ trade body, food prices have risen by 30% since May 2022. In some cases, items have increased in cost by up to 50%. Due to these increasing prices, school caterers are having to consider ways to manage these costs, and as a result, caterers are having to use more processed foods. Other potential changes include switching from British to imported meat, as well as reducing how much of the…
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Cyberbullying on social media

A new report from online protection company McAfee finds that there has been an increase of cyberbullying on social platforms. Children as young as 10 years old are seeing racist attacks and other forms of online harassment. The report finds that globally more than one in four children face some sort of racism in the media, while one in six are affected by sexual harassment. It is notable that cyberbullying is increasingly coming from people…
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The gamification of play during lockdown

Lockdown was a stressful time for many around the world, especially those with young children. To understand the effectiveness of leisure programmes during the Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020, researchers in Spain studied ‘gamification’ – a technique to engage people through play, motivation, and problem solving. 58 parents and 82 children (with a mean age of 8.35) were recruited, with a smaller sample of 32 parents used for semi-structured interviews. All participants had access for…
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Exploring the incidence of postnatal depression amongst fathers

While there appears to be both information and resources for mothers experiencing postnatal depression (PND), it is estimated that as many as 1 in 10 fathers also experience depression in the first year after the birth of their baby. Stigmas around mental health and the stereotypes surrounding pregnancy-related issues (especially in heterosexual couples) have led experts to believe that the number men suffering with depression one year after birth may well exceed 10%. Fathers may…
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Younger generations shrugging off retirement savings

Young people the world over have endured a number of recent events previously considered ‘once in a lifetime’ – This is coupled with the 2008 financial crises, affecting Millennials. Living through such experiences has made many from the Millennial and Gen Z cohort question what their future may hold, and if there will be a future for them at all. As recently reported by the New York Times, in the US are choosing to spend…
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Taking a break from social media might help one’s mental health

Adults between the ages of 18 and 72 who use social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok and Twitter daily found that a one week break from platforms saw improvements in their wellbeing. The study, published in May in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behaviour and Social Networking was conducted by researchers at the University of Bath. Over 150 participants were recruited and subsequently split into an intervention or control group. At the beginning of the…
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5-year-olds show reading skills can be taught in a virtual environment

Research from the University of Washington’s Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences has found that young children can learn key reading skills in virtual learning environments alongside other children their age. The study consisted of a reading programme that lasted two weeks in an online reading camp, with 83 5-year-old children taking part in the study, and a control group of 33 children who did not take part. The reading programmes took place over Zoom,…
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UK Digital Poverty Alliance announces new funding to help support teachers

New funding for teachers from the Digital Poverty Alliance, Barclays Bank, Intel and the Learning Foundation has been announced to help tackle digital poverty. The campaign, Tech4Teachers, aims to provide 550 devices to teachers who do not have sufficient access to the internet, allowing teaching staff to give greater support to over 20,000 students across many disadvantaged communities. Alongside the devices, an online space will be made available for teachers who are a part of the…
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Children’s Mental Health Week

To mark this year’s 8th annual Children’s Mental Health Week, children’s counselling service charity, Place2Be, has joined forces with BAFTA Kids to produce two online assemblies for primary and secondary school audiences in the UK. Place2Be Ambassador Josh Smith speaks to various guests including Paralympic gold medallist Andy Lewis, actor Jacob Anderson and dancer Oti Mabuse, with a special message from Olivia Coleman in both assemblies. The theme ‘Growing Together’ was chosen to encourage children…
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