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Find out the latest news and updates on conferences and events FK&Y have been involved with.

Barbie Clarke Speaks at Naace Conference

Barbie Clarke spoke at the Naace Conference to a large audience of school leadership, local authorities and advisors about research carried out the FK&Y on one-to-one tablet devices in schools. The talk can be seen here

Barbie Clarke speaks at MIP Junior in Cannes

Launching the Digital Kids day Barbie presented Family Kids and Youth’s latest digital survey carried out with parents, children and teachers. Blog

Conferences, and myth busting about kids and digital

I attended an excellent conference yesterday at the British Library (yesterday was ‘Super Thursday’, the day booksellers rush out titles for Christmas). Organised by The Bookseller, the Children’s Conference looked at the digital landscape for children and considered how this is impacting on print media; the conference had a thoughtful and receptive audience as well as insightful co-speakers. I presented key findings from our Digital Family Kids and Youth research. It is the season of…
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Family Kids & Youth
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