We have wide experience of carrying out educational research with schools and colleges, run our own school panel EdSpeak and we are supported by a Pedagogy Group which meets each term. See our list of FK&Y Education publications for examples. Our respondents include students (primary and secondary), teachers, teacher leaders, school support staff, parents and school governors.
In the last year alone we have carried out over 10,000 online interviews with students and teachers, run over 30 focus groups with students, teachers and parents, completed over 30 case studies and have carried out over 50 in-depth telephone interviews with teacher leaders.
For the last 5 years we have carried out extensive research for the educational charity Techknowledge for Schools. Believed to be the largest body of research globally that looks at the use of technology in education the research can be downloaded here. We have also carried out studies including primary research and literature reviews in collaboration with the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge and the Department of Psychology, University of Sussex. We have presented much of our research at international conferences, seminars and workshops and have run workshops at the Department for Education.
Our panel of over 50 schools across the UK includes both primary and secondary schools and has been used to carry out on-line quantitative interviews, in-depth telephone interviews, face to face interviews, and focus groups with teacher leaders, NQTs, subject leaders, school support staff, students, school governors and parents.
Pedagogy Group
We work closely with an advisory board of education experts including Professor Colleen Mclaughlin, University of Cambridge; Professor David Buckingham, Emeritus Professor at Loughborough University; Duncan Mackrill, University of Sussex and Simon Mason, Head Teacher, Honywood School, Essex. The group meets each term and peer reviews our planned research projects and our reports.