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Digby's Dog Blog Family kids and youth

Last week I wrote about the good things during lockdown. This week I’ve been thinking about the not-such-good things, and I have to admit that it isn’t all good.

First, I miss the Five Guys we have at work on a Friday. I don’t have the bun, just the burger, no chips. And I miss the humans I work with – George wrote his thesis on dog behaviour and sometimes takes me for a walk, and Anna always has a hat or a scarf that I can steal, and Nyasha who tells me about growing up in Wisconsin, USA. Tori is very laid back, and she sometimes brings in her small dog friend Otto. And Tracey, who always sneaks a sausage in for me and my dog-bro Alfie on Tuesdays (but don’t tell anyone).

Many humans are missing their family badly. I also really miss my human family – and my dog family.  Holly is my sister, we look alike but I’m bigger – I normally see her quite regularly and we have really good games together. She liked my 1st blog but pointed out that we’re 3 ½ years old not 2½ …

Look, I know I work for a research company Holly, but I’m not a numbers person – more of a people person. Then there’s Holly’s dog-sister at home Lola who is sweet, gentle really nice, also a Labrador. And Boris – he’s a Labradoodle – funny, smaller than the rest of us, but definitely in charge. I miss them all.

Alfie is my dog-brother at home, he’s very tolerant of me and he’s enjoying being at home, but he sleeps a lot and doesn’t play with me in the way that Holly does. Basically, I’m not sure social isolation suits dogs any more than it suits humans. I’m a bit bored. This article explains how important dogs (and other animals) are in lockdown. And this is my dog family:

Lola, Boris, and my sister Holly

My big bro Alfie

In my next blog I’ll be interviewing some young humans about how they feel about lockdown.

Keep safe, much love

Digby X

Family Kids & Youth
146 Freston Rd
W10 6TR

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