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Report claims exam results improve with school ban on mobile phones

A report by the London School of Economics found that a ban on mobile phones in schools can positively impact exam results. The authors argue that despite the benefits mobile technology offers, phones are often a distraction for young people and can reduce productivity. Schools in four British cities were monitored and results showed that exam results increased by 6% in schools that had introduced bans on mobile phones. Low-achieving and low-income students were found…
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Online manners more important than computer skills

Schools should be teaching children how to behave online before they teach computing skills such as coding, according to American cyber law expert Parry Aftab during a presentation at Facebook’s international headquarters in Dublin. Aftab argued that digital devices increase children’s opportunities to act impulsively and without consideration for the consequences of their actions, thus creating long lasting problems for some. Aftab expressed particular concern for young people taking intimate photos and sharing them, without…
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Study finds link between television viewing and obesity

A strong link between childhood obesity and television viewing has been found in a study presented to the Pediatric Academic Societies in the US. The study found that Nursery and Primary age children who watched at least one hour of television a day are 50% more likely to be overweight. These children were also found to be far more likely to be obese. The American Academy of Pediatrics currently recommends that children watch no more…
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Family time found to have a positive impact on teenagers’ wellbeing and behaviour

A longitudinal study which followed 1,600 children internationally found that once they reach adolescence the opportunity to spend six hours or more a week with family had a significant impact on their wellbeing, behaviour and academic performance. The researchers analysed time diaries kept by the children and their parents to find out how ‘time together’ influenced the children’s wellbeing. Time diaries were collected when the children were 3 to 11 years old and again when…
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Debate about children playing computer games

A new study from Oxford suggests that games are not all bad, but parents should pay close attention to the amount of time children play computer games. The study has found that children who play computer games for less than an hour a day are likely to be less aggressive, more sociable, have fewer emotional problems and do better at school than their peers, performing better at school than classmates who never played computer games….
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Children’s perception of favouritism affects their behaviour

Research has found that when children believe their parents favour another sibling this affects their behaviour. American psychologist Alex Jensen found that teenagers who believed they were receiving less favoured treatment were more likely to ‘act out’ and get into trouble. These young people were, for example, more likely to have tried alcohol, cigarettes and drugs compared with other teenagers. Jensen however found that family dynamics influence whether young people who feel they are treated…
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House of Lords report highlights importance of teaching digital skills

‘Make or Break: The UK’s Digital Future’ the report published this week by the House of Lords Digital Skills Committee warns that the UK is facing a significant digital skills shortage and is currently unprepared for the impact technology will have on the labour market. The review, which included FK&Y research carried out for Tablets for Schools’, urged the Government to address the digital divide and make digital literacy a core subject at school alongside…
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Stress of the school run

In a survey for road safety charity Living Streets 32% of parents of children who attend primary schools described the school run in the morning as ‘highly stressful’. 44% of the parents surveyed said they had feared for their children’s safety on the school run, at the school gates, or in the surrounding area. 14% of parents said they had feared for their own safety during the school run. The charity is therefore encouraging more…
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Cost of childcare more than a mortgage

The Family and Childcare Trust this week published research showing that the average cost of childcare in the UK is now higher than the cost of mortgages for many families. According to the report the cost of childcare has risen 27% since 2009, while wages have remained stable. The trust suggests that this makes childcare increasingly unaffordable, forcing some parents to refrain from returning to the workforce after becoming a parent.

Every body is beautiful

An American high school student has started a petition to include plus-size female characters in Disney movies. In the petition, which is titled ‘Every body is beautiful’, Jewel Moore argues that young girls who struggle with low self-esteem will benefit from seeing positive role-models in the media. The petition has achieved over 22,000 signatures.

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